Band aid in the shape of a mouse

Submit to Lab Animal today

LabAnimal is a monthly journal covering in vivo science & technology using model organisms of human health and disease.  Besides the subscription route, we now offer Open Access publishing.


  • Besides the subscription route, Lab Animal now offers Open Access (OA) publishing via the Springer Nature Transformative Agreements and Authors Open Choice publishing.

  • If you would like to talk about your research, have questions about your submission, or want to organize a lab visit (virtual or in-person) send an email to one of the editors.


LabAnimal’s focus is on innovative in vivo methods, research and technology covering a wide range of model organisms. Our broad scope ensures that the work we publish reaches the widest possible audience. LabAnimal provides a rigorous and fair peer review of manuscripts, high standards for copyediting and production, and efficient publication.
LabAnimal publishes a range of content types including reviews and perspectives, research articles, methods-based columns, as well as news and technology features.
All editorial decisions at LabAnimal are made by a dedicated team of full-time professional editors. In addition, LabAnimal has an Editorial Advisory Panel in all areas of in vivo science, technology and policy.
  • Guide to Authors

    Please read this section before submitting anything to LabAnimal. This section explains our editorial criteria, and how manuscripts are handled by our editors between submission and acceptance for publication.

  • Editorial Process

    Explanation of the submission, peer-review, decision and revision processes.

  • For Referees

    This section contains guidelines for refereeing for LabAnimal.

Contact information.
How to get a personal subscription.
How to sign up for LabAnimal email alerts.


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